While I was
caving, I had an experience that taught me something. After climbing back up the waterfall and squeezing my way back (getting stuck sometimes), I noticed that my headlamp was getting dimmer. Then finally the batteries died and the light went out. Luckily I was with two other guys who were ahead of me and I could make do with their light. It was also a good thing that we were mostly out of the tight part. The way out of the tight slot canyon was up a hole into a bigger room. The two guys ahead of me went up and I was left in the dark feeling around for some purchase to lift myself up. The other guys came back (I guess they were just looking at the surrounding for a while) when I was almost out of the hole.
I was thinking that we need a light to find our way in this life. For us
LDS folk, that would be our testimony in
Jesus Christ and His teachings. But for others it might be good values, the Golden Rule; something that gives this life purpose and explains how we are to act and be. Sometimes you can make it by with the light of others. But there comes a point where we are alone or our situation is difficult and unique to ourselves so that we can not rely on other people. Everyone experiences this. Even our Savior, who was a perfect man and had the companionship of Heavenly Father with Him for most of His life, experienced
being alone. At this point we can no longer tread our way on borrowed light. We must find it within ourselves and it becomes our strength to press forward and live life with a fulness that brings joy and peace.