Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Book Review: I Will Teach You To Be Rich

I thought that with school behind me that I wouldn't have to write a book review any more. But this book is deserving of recommendation. I decided that now that I have a "real job" I should learn more about what to do with my money. The title makes it sound like those "get rich quick" books that don't really teach you anything, but make you excited to buy the next step in their "building wealth formula." This book has great practical information and action steps to take to get control of your financial situation and then to set up your accounts so that investments and payments are as automatic as you are willing to make them. It's also has explanations on 401Ks and ROTH IRAs that make sense. The author gives illustrative examples and explanations that show why his simple suggestions are better than doing nothing. Most of the stuff in the book isn't new, it's just put together in a concise, easy-to-read format. It is geared more towards the younger crowd, but there's some stuff in there that everyone can benefit from.

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